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Fintech Developer Supports

Intelligent API Sandboxes

Support developers with an API Sandbox. Our sandboxes include extensive validation checks for API requests, provide detailed error diagnostics and simulate realistic scenarios for the payments domain so that Developers can understand the variety of responses that their coded Apps must handle.

Comprehensive, high quality documentation

Provide extensive documentation on your API going well beyond the information covered within swagger descriptions. Our documentation covers business rules for your API, example requests, and information on how to exercise the simulation scenarios in our sandboxes.

Direct access to example API requests

Provide example API requests to App Developers, for a quick and easy start to their development project.

Direct links to Wiki entries

We maintain a public, searchable wiki with information about payment transaction services, covering general information about IBANs, creditor references, payment instruments etc as well as information on bank specific market practices. API documentation and API sandbox error reports include direct links to wiki entries.

Easy to deploy on API Platforms

Deploy the API Sandbox to API Platforms using DevOps delivery mechanisms, and allow Developers to interact with the sandbox through your Developer Portal. Access documentation and examples programmatically, style and publish to the Developer Portal.